Thank You, But We Handle That In-House.

Employing in-house maintenance is a cost-conservative decision for many in the industry. No delays in service response time. No unnecessary service call charges.

An internal, mechanically-savvy workforce ensures productivity and efficient operations, free of downtime.

The problem is when your requirement for a broad range of mechanical experience and the pressure for efficiency exceeds the capabilities and scope of even the most astute maintenance team.

Jack of All Trades, Master of None.

Materials handling equipment is a highly specialized facet of the mechanical service industry. Forklift field technicians who are proficient in the diagnosis and proper maintenance of these critical machines have spent years honing their trade, individually.

If you include the experience of their predecessors, most would agree they’ve contributed decades. This means centuries of cumulative experience contribute to properly training field service technicians.

We have a legacy of effort to honor.


“An expert is a man who has made all the mistakes which can be made, in a narrow field.”– Niels Bohr, Physicist.


Heuristic Process, a Wealth of Knowledge.

Professionals in the materials handling industry have already made the mistakes in-house maintenance teams are bound to make, and we’ve learned from those mistakes.

At Adept Equipment Services, we stand behind our product, and our product is service. Integrity and accountability are cornerstones to us and that means a lot when it comes to maintaining your mission-critical industrial equipment.

Your Challenge.

Strengthen your core. Allow in-house maintenance to handle your production equipment, and we’ll keep your product moving. We promise to always add value to your team by bringing a refreshing focus on expertise, professionalism, and honesty to the complex equation that is your business.

Call Us @ 303-430-6559

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